As I get on line to enter the building my shuffle hits "Come on everybody" di Eddie Cochran, to underline the quite long line ahead and my will to start watching the master pieces of the maestro.

I have to go through a metal detector (which makes me feel at the airport...and I love that!), but once in it's suddenly all about him. That's when the next song comes up : "It's only Rock & Roll" by Rolling Stones .
I happen to be in front of the first colorful paintings by this time; I've seen them before, maybe on school books or on some fancy art book, but you can already recon the brushes Vincent Van Gogh so popular all around the world.

The first paintings are just unbelievable...and I haven't come across to the famous ones yet! As you're enjoying all this, all of a sudden you get to a part of the building where the drawings turns into black and white and are on paper instead of on a canvas...they're sketches representing the studies of the great painter followed by the "dark" paintings, a moment in which Vince still didn't undertake the colorist current. It's amazing how my iPod can realize (yes, it's human, it thinks, it knows my what!?!?) what I'm feeling in front of such beauties and choose the perfect track for this moment; it's time for The Beatles and their "Pepperland Laid Waste".
I'm surprised by this melody! Such an unknown track that fits perfectly with what is in front of me . I turn down the volume a little bit just to make it more even with the sound surrounding me in the real world outside my headphones and there we go...the balance has been found!